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Do not underestimate the function of the kidneys in the body

The kidney is an organ located near the middle of the back on both sides of the spine, just below the back ribs. Kidney function is very important in maintaining survival. Kidney consists of a pair of organs, namely the left kidney and right kidney. Each kidney is about 10-12 cm or the size of a fist, and contains about one million nephrons, which are tiny blood filters. There are various kidney functions that have an important role for health.

Know the Kidney Function

Kidney functions vary, including:
  • Filter blood

  • All blood in the body passes through the kidneys several times a day. When the kidneys filter blood, urine will be formed from residual substances and excess fluid in the body. The urine is then flowed through the ureter, to then be brought to the bladder and discharged as urine.
  • Filter and dispose of waste

  • Another function of the kidneys is to filter and dispose of waste, such as poisons, excess salt, and urea (nitrogen-containing waste results from protein metabolism). Urea that is formed in the body is transported through the blood to the kidneys and then discarded. Without kidneys, waste and toxins will accumulate in the blood.
  • Monitor and control water balance in the body

  • The kidneys ensure that the body's tissues receive enough water to work properly. The kidneys react to changes in water levels in the body. When the body's water intake is reduced or dehydrated, the function of the kidneys in this case is to hold water, not throw it away.
  • Regulates blood pressure and blood salt level

  • How, by producing the enzyme renin. The kidneys need stable blood pressure and flow to filter blood.
  • Regulates red blood cells

  • When the body does not get enough oxygen, the kidneys release the hormone erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulates the production of more red blood cells carrying oxygen. When the levels of oxygen or red blood cells have returned to normal, this hormone will stop producing.
  • Regulate blood acid-base balance (pH)

  • The lower the pH, the more acidic the blood will be (acidosis), whereas the higher the pH, the condition is called alkaline (alkalosis). Normal blood pH has a narrow range of 7.35 - 7.45. Blood pH balance is important to maintain in this range so that the process of cell metabolism in the body can run well. One important kidney function is to ensure that blood pH remains normal.
  • Maintain mineral and electrolyte concentrations

  • The kidneys maintain important concentrations of minerals and electrolytes in the blood. Among them are sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium.
  • Produces an active form of vitamin D

  • Vitamin D is needed for bone health and for the balance of chemicals in the body.
Once the importance of the role of the kidneys in the body, then it should be if both kidneys are kept healthy, so that they can always function properly. Although a person can live a normal life with only one kidney, but in the long run will be more at risk of experiencing various health problems. Therefore, having two healthy kidneys is certainly better. Maintaining kidney health and function can be done by maintaining blood pressure and blood sugar remain normal, stay away from foods that cause kidney failure, eat low-salt foods, eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise diligently, drink enough water until the urine is clear, don't smoke, don't consume too much alcohol, and maintain ideal body weight. Routinely see a doctor and undergo a kidney function test is also an important step to detect kidney disorders early.
